Netanyahu says he will extend ‘Jewish sovereignty’ to all West Bank settlements

By Michael Bachner, Times of Israel— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed to extend “Jewish sovereignty” to all settlements in the West Bank — a move tantamount to annexation — seeking to shore up right-wing support some two weeks ahead of the September 17 Knesset elections. Speaking to elementary school students in the settlement…

Elizabeth Pipko to ‘Post’ Jewish Democrats are Walking Away from Party

By Hannah Gal, Jerusalem Post—- American Jews are turning their backs on the Democratic Party, claims Exodus Movement founder Elizabeth Pipko. Speaking with The Jerusalem Post, the New York-born author, former athlete and model, 24, said that she feels many life-long Democratic Party voters are questioning their loyalty to the party and joining what she…

Evangelical Leader: We Won’t Let Rashida Tlaib Whitewash Palestinian Persecution of Christians in Bethlehem

By Breaking Israel News— Evangelical UN Special Envoy to the World Council of Independent Christian Churches representing 44 million congregants and award-winning Christian TV Show Host Laurie Cardoza-Moore has called upon Christians to protest Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’s attempts to deny Jesus’ identity and ignore the persecution of Christians in Bethlehem. A recent tweet…