Zionism as a civilization

By MOSHE DAYAN, JPOST— Zionism is not just supporting the State of Israel, it is the recognition of the historical connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. This connection is critical for understanding the state as the basis upon which a third Jewish commonwealth/ civilization is being created. The most important factor…

Obama's amnesia about Zionism

By HAROLD BRACKMAN , THE JERUSALEM POST After the Obama administration voiced “dismay” earlier this month at the decision by the Jerusalem municipality to approve 900 new housing units in the Jewish neighborhood of Gilo, straddling the Green Line, former housing minister Meir Sheetrit quipped that the White House seems to think that Jerusalem has…

The Birth of Zionism

By Ryan Jones, www.zionist.com Zionism as a concept and an idea of hope has existed for nearly 2,500 years, dating back to the Babylonian Exile. However, the birth of Zionism as a political movement did not take place until 1897. The transformation of Zionism from a mere idea and concept into a very real political…