
*Koshari is the traditional Egyptian meal.  It’s served in every restaurant, at every dinner table, and sold by any Cairo street vendor. Koshari is a very strange combination of noodles, rice, lentils, fried onions and chili sauce.   Don’t be thrown by the ingredient list.  For whatever reason this all-in-one meal is addicting.  I love traveling in Egypt and…

Butternut squash stew

*I realize that I have posted one too many butternut squash recipes to this blog but I just can’t help myself.  We are a butternut squash family and in the fall and winter I say “tis the season to eat all things squash.”  The only downside to butternut squash (because it certainly isn’t the flavor) is…

Sweet Potato Latkes

*Sweet glorious Hanukkah.  Who wouldn’t love a holiday that requires you to eat fried food?  The normally forbidden donut or French fry is all the sudden–for eight glorious days–the food of the righteous.  I can assure you that I remember the Hanukkah miracle better when I really really concentrate on that first bite into a…

Labneh pita pockets

*Labneh is strained yogurt that spreads easily on bread or pita and is much healthier and tastier than mayonnaise (my apologies to all mayo-lovers out there).  For Israelis, labneh is a regular staple at the table and if you’ve ever been to an Israeli hotel you would have definently seen it at the breakfast buffet.  There are dozens of…

Challah French Toast with Mango

*Every Shabbat I buy too much challah, on purpose.  The reason: leftover challah bread makes the best French toast you will ever put in your mouth!  I ngredients 6 large eggs 3/4 cup milk 3/4 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons butter, divided 8 (1-inch-thick) slices challah bread 3 cups mangos,…

Sweet potato pizza

*Pizza in Israel has a different flare than pizza in the U.S.  For starters, kosher pizza can’t have any meat toppings since you can’t mix meat and dairy.  Since pepperoni and bacon aren’t an option, Israeli pizza joints are very creative with the vegetable toppings they offer: tuna, corn, hard boiled egg, etc.  One of…