Jesus the Palestinian?

By ARIEL COHEN, JPOST— Just as he does every December, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, along with other PA officials, made the Christmastime claim that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian, rather than a Judean. “We celebrate the birth of Jesus, a Palestinian messenger of love, justice and peace, which has guided millions from the moment…

The ethnic cleansing of Jesus

By RICHARD MATHER, ARUTZ 7— In recent decades, the quest to rescue Jesus’ Jewish identity has yielded much fruit. Geza Vermes, Robert Eisenman, E.P Sanders, James Tabor, R. T. Herford, George Foot Moor and Hyam Maccoby are among those who have highlighted Jesus’ Jewish identity and origins. Combined with the shared interest in the Dead…

Herod the Great: Opens in Jerusalem

By Beata Andonia and Elisa Moed, TRAVELUJAH— For the first time ever, Herod the Great has become the subject of an extraordinary exhibition at the Israel Museum entitled “The Kings Final Journey”.  The exhibit, which opened to great fanfare yesterday, includes over 250 artifacts collected from the archaeological remains of several buildings and palaces constructed by…

Jesus the Messiah

By Shelley Neese, The Jerusalem Connection For an observant Jew, one of the most important events anticipated in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) is the arrival of the Messiah to redeem His chosen and rule over them during the Messianic age.  Without this Messianic hope, Judaism would be stripped of its fundamental purpose and spiritual…