The Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan

“Proximity” talks are the answer. So asserts President Obama’s Middle East Envoy dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former Senator George Mitchell.  Mitchell said “there is no such thing as a conflict that can’t be ended.”  Obviously, this is the mindset as the “Proximity” talks begin between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the whole notion of “Proximity”…

Israeli Initiative Update No. 28

UNRWA is Bad for Israel Recently, UNRWA came out with its first promotional campaign geared towards Israelis.   The online campaign, titled (in Hebrew) “UNRWA: Bad for Extremism,” presents three questions “Israelis have asked” about UNRWA, though clearly they mean The Israeli Initiative.   The first: Does UNRWA perpetuate the refugee problem? Second:  Is UNRWA involved in…