Upcoming Conference to Study Assault on Pro-Israel Evangelicals

By Dexter Van Zile, Breaking Israel News— Evangelical Protestants are part of the backbone of American civil society. Numbering about 90 million people, these Bible-believing Christians have eclipsed mainline Protestants who comprised the Protestant establishment that ruled the roost in the United States in the decades before, during and after World War II. Many elites…

Christians Are Being Denied US Visas While ‘Cradle of Christianity Is Wiped Off the Map,’ Evangelicals Warn

By: Stoyan Zaimov, CHRISTIAN POST— A faith-based global ministry has initiated a “Fostering Families” program in which it’s calling on over 1,000 churches in America to take in persecuted refugees from the ongoing crisis. Rev. Kevin Jessip, president of Global Strategic Alliance, said Christians are being wiped out from the Middle East, while at the…