Sean Savage, Breaking Christian News— (Israel) — The Republican Party has reportedly reinstated language endorsing an “undivided” Jerusalem into the party’s platform ahead of its national convention in Cleveland later this month. According to CNN, which cited a first draft of the party platform that it obtained, the Republicans would reinstate a reference to an…

Does God See the Jews As Enemies?

By Brian Hennessy, Israel Today— To those of us who love Israel, that question sounds preposterous. Yet many Christians suffer from what I call a Replacement Theology hangover. They finally made room in their eschatology for a restoration of Israel, but they do not accept the present return of the Jews to their ancient homeland as…

Kasich Proposes New Government Agency To Promote Judeo-Christian Values

By: Leigh Ann Caldwell, NBC News—   As part of a broad national security plan to defeat ISIS, Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich proposed creating a new government agency to push Judeo-Christian values around the world. The new agency, which he hasn’t yet named, would promote a Jewish- and Christian-based belief system to four regions of…