Matzah Ball Soup

Ingredients for soup: 6 cups chicken stock 1 carrot, sliced 1 rib celery, sliced 1/2 onion, chopped 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped Ingredients for Matzah Balls: 1 cup matzo meal 1/4 cup chicken stock 4 eggs, separated 1/4 cup vegetable oil Salt and pepper Directions 1) In a large saucepan combine the stock, carrots, celery,…

Carrot soufflé

*My sister has a magnet on her refrigerator that says “in this house carrot cake counts as a vegetable.”  If carrot cake counts then I imagine carrot soufflé counts as two vegetable servings!  My son is a semi-picky eater and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to occasionally sneak vegetables into some meals.  Granted as a house rule non-sneaky vegetables are…

Zucchini and Carrot Bisque

I realize that there are a handful of people out there who are sticking to their New Year’s resolutions.  If you promised yourself to start eating healthier in 2011 or at least get more vegetables, this is the recipe for you.  On weight watchers this is one of those soups that’s almost “zero points.”  There is just a touch of…