Why Latin America turned

by Caroline Glick, JPost Israelis can be excused for wondering what happened that Brazil and Argentina unexpectedly announced they recognize an independent Palestinian state with its capital city in Israel’s capital city. Israelis can be forgiven for being taken by surprise by their move and by the prospect that Uruguay, and perhaps Paraguay, Chile, Peru,…

Lights, Camera, and peace process!

by Caroline B. Glick, Jerusalem Post The Israeli Left is on a collision course with the Obama administration. It is reportedly trying to undermine negotiations between the Netanyahu government and Fatah. The Obama administration is earnestly seeking to initiate them. According to an unnamed eyewitness interviewed by Israel Radio, during a July 8 meeting between…

The new, improved Obama

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post You have to hand it to US President Barack Obama. He is relentless. Just when you thought he was shifting gears – easing up on Israel and turning his attention to Iran’s nuclear weapons program – he pulls out a zinger. His recent courtship of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu led…

Change we must believe in

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Change has come to the Middle East. Over the past several weeks, multiple press reports indicate that Turkey is collaborating militarily with Syria in a joint campaign against the Kurds of Syria, Iraq and Turkey. Turkey is a member of NATO. It fields the Western world’s top weapons systems. Syria…

A war on who's terms

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Iran’s domestic troubles and the Arab world’s fear of a nuclear Iran provide Israel with an opportunity to radically shift the region’s balance of power. We are entering troubling times. The conviction that war is upon us grows with each passing day. What remains to be determined is who will dictate…

Fit for 'The New York Times'

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Two important statements this week shed a light on the nature of the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Both were barely noted by the media. On Saturday, the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper reported that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas gave US mediator George Mitchell a letter detailing a number of concessions that…

Netanyahu must play for time

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Just ahead of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s trip next week to Washington, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went on a charm offensive towards the Israeli media. On Tuesday Abbas invited representatives of the Hebrew-language press to his office in Ramallah and assured them of his good intentions towards Israel. We…

Hamas rises in the west

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Since the navy’s May 31 takeover of the Turkish-Hamas flotilla, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his advisers have deliberated around the clock about how to contend with the US-led international stampede against Israel. But their ultimate decision to form an investigatory committee led by a retired Supreme Court justice and…