Confusing Complacency for Resiliency

By RON JAGER— Indifference is an attribute that cannot under any circumstances reflect acceptable behavior by political leaders. Even great leaders can fall prey to the seductive effect of indifference and perceive the physical existence and suffering of their own countrymen in acceptable terms. Not since the days of the second “intifada” when all of…

The bigotry of low expectations

By RON JAGER— The barbaric pre-mediated murder of 16 year old Mohammed Abu Khdeir shames the Jewish people everywhere and was immediately denounced by the full spectrum of Israel’s political and religious leadership, including Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Peres and the Chief Rabbi’s. The people of Israel expressed remorse and genuine shame that those…

The Neophyte President

BY RON JAGER— As we have all watched in disbelief over the past few weeks, we keep wondering when Obama will wake up and understand the ramifications of his strategic concessions. We wonder when Obama will put aside his seemingly childish eagerness for obscure negotiations. When will he put aside his hunger for diplomatic success,…

Has Criticism of Secretary Kerry been justified?

By RON JAGER— In recent weeks, the level of accusations and counter-clarifications between Israeli Cabinet ministers and White House spokespersons concerning statements made by Secretary of State Kerry seem to be much more emotionally charged even according to Israeli standards. In the latest flare-up, two of Prime Ministers Netanyahu’s Cabinet ministers went even further, lashing…