The Shofar of Auschwitz

By Dr. Yvette Alt Miller, Aish— Rosh Hashanah, 1944: A group of ragged Jewish prisoners assembled for yet another exhausting work detail. All around, Jews were starved, tortured and murdered. The slightest expression of Jewish faith was strictly forbidden, grounds for execution by Nazi guards. Yet on that Rosh Hashanah, a group of courageous Jews…

The Longest Lasting Conspiracy Theory

By Denis MacEoin, Gatestone Institute— How often have we seen commentary concerning the situation in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, made with intensity even passion which purport to tell readers the “facts” about Israel? They often narrate falsehoods that might put to shame a string of fraudsters, conmen and conspiracy theorists. It seems, at…

Mike Pence Warns World Leaders of Iranian Plot for ‘Another Holocaust’ in Israel

By Kayla Koslosky, Christian Headlines—- During a conference on Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence warned European and Middle Eastern leaders of the ‘new Holocaust’ the Iranian regime is plotting. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Monday – during the 40thanniversary of the Islamic Revolution – that he would ‘raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the…