The problem with Holocaust education

By Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe— LAST SEPTEMBER, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany — an international organization that provides financial support and social services to survivors of the Nazi genocide — reported on a study of basic Holocaust knowledge among Americans younger than 40. The study comprised interviews with 11,000 millennial and Generation…

Hitler committed suicide April 30, 1945: 75 years later his propaganda lives on

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, Times of Israel—- Hitler’s suicide, whether by gun or cyanide, marked what the world imagined was an end to the incomprehensible evil he perpetuated with horrific strategies, details, and logistics. His industrialized killing machines and devoted accomplices wiped out 6 million Jewish men, women, and children. The world may have breathed…

After Holocaust Day:Germany-EU Warn that Jews Should be Restricted From Living in Judea-Samaria

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Rather than congratulate Israel on forming a unity government after three elections, many governments responded by warning the new alliance against annexing Biblical Judea and Samaria thereby allowing Jews to fulfill prophecy by returning to the homeland promised to them by their covenant with God. Netanyahu and Gantz,…

One Melody, Two Violins, Many Lives

By Inna Rogatchi, Times of Israel-— Family Reflections on Yom HaShoah The essay is an excerpt from Inna Rogatchi’s forthcoming book on her personal search into the dramatic saga of her Mahler- Rose-Bujanover family. I grew up with those photos. The photos from distant beautiful fairy-like life: Tuileries Garden, Paris, elegantly dressed woman, her children…