Auschwitz and a muddled own goal

BY MELANIE PHILLIPS, DAILY MAIL— Some years ago, on a fact-finding trip to Munich, I visited the nearby site of the former Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. It was an unsettling and disturbing experience, beyond being brought up against the horrors that had taken place there. For I found myself surrounded by coach parties of…

A Jewish wedding in Warsaw

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Last Thursday evening, hundreds of guests milled about, chatting amiably as they awaited the start of the joyous ceremony. Bedecked in white, the striking bride made her way down the aisle, each step drawing her closer to the wedding canopy where her groom stood smiling broadly. As a light breeze stirred…

Google autocomplete: Shades of IBM

BY SHOSHANA BRYEN, THE TIMES OF ISRAEL– Readers of Edwin Black’s chilling bestseller “IBM and the Holocaust” know that IBM was collecting data on Jews in Europe for Nazi Germany. Not just names, but whole families structures, addresses, business holdings, bank accounts, occupations, and language skills were tabulated on Hollerith machines. Beginning with census information…

The elephant of Jew hatred

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPost — Israel cannot rely on Americans or Europeans as allies or partners when it confronts threats from its Jew-obsessed neighbors. Hatred of Jews is the central animating feature of the political and strategic reality of the Middle East. It is hatred of Jews that dictates the legal regimes, foreign policies, military…

Israel remembers the Holocaust

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israel on Thursday was the scene of solemn silence and piercing cries as every man, woman and child remembered the Holocaust, the most devious and the most successful attempt in history to destroy the Jewish people. No matter how many times one hears it, the emotions stirred by the nation-wide…

Video message from PM Netanyahu

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called upon Jewish youths visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau Thursday to be “proud that the Jewish people rose from the dead.” He termed the voices calling Israel a threat to world peace – “chutzpah.” As the video was played before the participants, 17 Allied Forces veterans sat on the stage overlooking the train tracks…