Hands off the Holocaust

by MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST– It is that time of year again, as Jews around the world solemnly commemorate the victims of the Holocaust while various pundits and politicians demean and desecrate their memory. With little respect for the facts, and even less for those who were murdered, these puerile purveyors of propaganda do not hesitate…

The value of a sharpened conscience

By JÜRGEN BÜHLER, ICEJ— As we observe “Yom Hashoa,” Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes Remembrance Day, I am transported back several years to an intriguing visit I paid to Chambon sur Lignon in southern France. This village has been granted the status of Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem for the collective actions of its members in…

Video: Shema Israel

Legend tells that after the Holocaust, R. Yosef Kahaneman began looking for Jewish children who had survived the war. It was known that some of the children had ended up in churches and were being raised as Christians. The Rov encountered one church that denied the existence and presence of Jewish children within their midst……