Israel’s fires spark Christian Zionist desire to aid the holy land

By Tsivya Fox, Breaking Israel News— Following this past week’s wildfire devastation throughout Israel, some of which were set by terror arsonists, many Jewish organizations are reporting record donations to help rebuild the Holy Land. Perhaps lesser known but equally impressive is the immediate outpouring of love and generosity from Christian Zionists around the world.…

Evangelical terrorism

By Brian Schrauger, Jerusalem Journal-— In the early days of March 2016, Bethlehem Bible College held its fourth Christ at the Checkpoint (CatC) conference. Although attendance was lower than prior iterations (about 300), the conference’s anti-Israel agenda was more explicit than ever. Notably, however, the primary focus of the confab’s condemnation was not Israel or…

American Christians Bombard U.N. Agency With Thousands of Emails Over Anti-Israel Measure

By Jenna Lifhits, Weekly Standard— A Christian pro-Israel group flooded the United Nation’s cultural arm with thousands of condemnatory emails Monday, after the body passed a draft resolution last week denying Jewish and Christian ties to holy sites in Jerusalem. According to the group, members of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) sent the United Nations…

Hispanic evangelicals emerging as new powerhouse of support

By Rafael Medoff,— When Hispanic-American pastors from around the country met in the nation’s capital last week, the main issue on their agenda was not immigration or health care – it was Israel. The pastors represented evangelical congregations from Connecticut to Oklahoma. This rapidly-growing portion of the U.S. Latino electorate could have a significant…