Left-Wing Jews Protesting Christian Support for Israel Could Be Indirect Key to Redemption

By Eliana Rudee, BIN— The growing phenomenon of fringe anti-Zionist Jewish groups, evidenced by organizations such as IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace which protest Christian support for Israel, is representative of the greatest challenge of the Jewish people in reaching geula (redemption) – the Jewish people themselves, say several prominent Jewish thinkers. According to Biblical…

‘Love of Christians’ touted as strategic asset for Israel at major policy conference

By Adam Abrams/JNS.org The strategic importance of Christian Zionism was featured this week at the 2017 Herzliya Conference, one of Israel’s most prominent annual policy summits. Organizers describe the conference, which is hosted by the Institute for Policy and Strategy at the IDC Herzliya research college, as a platform that “facilitates and encourages an informed…

A Tribute To Rabbi Benny Elon: Building Bridges With Christians for a Stronger Israel

By BIN— Former Israeli politician Rabbi Binyamin “Benny” Elon passed away last Friday, leaving behind a powerful legacy connecting Christians to Israel through faith-based diplomacy. A brilliant Torah scholar, Rabbi Elon advocated establishing Biblical borders in Israel. He was known for being an uncompromising leader of the right wing movement in Israel, but the same…