Are Evangelical Christians anti-Palestinian?

By Joel C. Rosenberg— Palestinian leaders are not simply infuriated by President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. They are also incensed by what they perceive as an anti-Palestinian theology held by Evangelical Christians generally, and specifically by Evangelicals close to Mr. Trump, including Vice President Mike Pence. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused…

Happy New Year President Trump

Happy New Year Jerusalem – A four-storey digital billboard in Jerusalem at the Friends of Zion Heritage Center says it all. “Thank you President Trump you’re making Israel Greater”. No president in history has ever built such an alliance for the State of Israel and the Jewish people, and no president has courageously stood up for the State of Israel on the global…

Chris Matthews bashes ‘crazy’ Christians with ‘mythical’ beliefs about Jerusalem

By Bradford Richardson, The Washington Times— MSNBC host Chris Matthews said “crazy” evangelical Christians in the South are uninformed about President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because they have “mythical beliefs” about the ancient city. “Don’t think this isn’t related to Alabama next week,” Mr. Matthews said Wednesday on “Morning…

Thousands of Christians Set to Arrive in Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles

By— More than 6,000 Christian pilgrims from some 100 countries are set to arrive in Jerusalem this week ahead of the 38th annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration hosted by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). The event, which runs this year from Oct. 6-11, is the “largest annual Christian gathering in Israel,” David Parsons,…

Millions of Christians and Jews Join Day of Prayer for Peace of Jerusalem

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, BIN— On Sunday, an estimated 500 million participants from over 175 nations joined together in a unified day-long prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. Reverend Robert Stearns, Executive Director of Eagles’ Wings, a global missional community based outside of Buffalo, New York, led the prayer from the Haas Promenade overlooking the…