Anti-Semitism on US college campuses, educating pro-Israel Americans and marking the Shoah

By ERIC MANDEL, JPOST— Last week I was privileged to speak to two very different audiences about the Middle East and Israel. Though the talks had the same title, “Understanding the Middle East: Iran, the Sunni-Shi’ite War, the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict, Anti-Semitism and the Delegitimization of Israel,” the reasons I was invited, and the questions…

Reaching the Evangelicals

By JIM FLETCHER, JPOST— Daniella Rilov is all about making friends for Israel. In fact, the new executive director for the America-Israel Friendship League ( says that very thing in her new role, as she advances from her position as marketing director. The New York City native also has deep roots in Israel, having grown…

Evangelical Christian Prayer Vigil Blocked by Rabbis

By NIR HAR-ZAHAV, ARUTZ 7— Pressure from the Chief Rabbinate and the Derech Emuna Rabbinic organization has succeeded in causing police to cancel an evangelical Christian prayer service, that was planned for Wednesday at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount, near the Hulda Gate. International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) organized the prayer vigil for…