Christie Speaks Strongly In Aim for Jewish Support

By: DONNY WEBER. JPOST— While speaking at an event this Monday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire New Jersey Governor Chris Christie criticized US President Barack Obama’s relationship with Israel indicating the current administration’s approach towards the Jewish State has been shameful. Christie hinted his support–should he ultimately gain the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination and win the…

Anti-Semitism Goes to School Anti-Semitism on American college campuses is rising—and worsening. Where does it come from, and can it be stopped?

By: RUTH WISSE, Mosaic Magazine— “I never dreamed that it could come to this!” In February, a Jewish college student was hospitalized after being punched in the face at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on a campus in upstate New York. His family has insisted on maintaining the boy’s privacy, but other such incidents, some caught on…

Zionism is Here to Stay

By AMOS YADLIN and URI SADOT, JEWISH POLICY CENTER— Nearly 120 years after Theodore Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Zionism has never been stronger and its strength is growing by the day. “Once there was nostalgia,” the adage goes, but viewing the past through rose-colored glasses can lead to an inaccurate understanding…