Coronavirus Has Not Changed the Middle East

By Prof. Efraim Inbar, Israel Hayom— The coronavirus pandemic does not respect borders. Middle Eastern countries have reacted differently and at different times. Eventually, however, they adopted plans of action similar to those of other countries. They restricted international air travel and movement within each country tightened border controls and adopted social distancing. As reliable…

Israeli Institute Successfully Tests Coronavirus Vaccine on Rodents

By Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, JPost— Israel’s Institute for Biological Research has successfully completed its coronavirus vaccine experiments on rodents and will soon move on to testing it on other animals and then humans, according to a report by Israel’s N12. According to the report, if the experiment goes as planned, IIBR could complete vaccine development within…

Don’t Bail Out Tehran’s Precision Guided Munitions Project

By Jonathan Schanzer and Bradley Bowman, Real Clear Defense— Iran, amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, is demanding sanctions relief. Lebanon, too, is looking for a financial bailout after defaulting on a Eurobond. Neither should get the financial aid they are requesting. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its terrorist proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon are undertaking…

Antisemitic incidents in Colorado continue to rise as attacks against American Jews reach all-time highs, new report shows

By Sam Tabachnik, Denver Post— Antisemitic incidents in Colorado increased by 56% last year, as attacks against America’s Jewish population reached all-time highs, the Anti-Defamation League found in its 2019 annual report. The 2019 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents found 61 acts against Jews in Colorado, up from a previous peak of 57 incidents in 2017.…

International Kangaroo Court to Investigate Israel for War Crimes

By Lawrence A. Franklin, Gatestone Institute— The International Criminal Court (ICC) appears ready to begin an investigation of alleged war crimes committed by Israeli soldiers against Arab civilian citizens of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Fatou Bensouda, the ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, announced on April 30 that she would proceed with the investigation if…