Jordan would ‘look favorably’ on a binational Israeli-Palestinian state

By Israel Hayom— Jordan would look “positively” on the creation of a binational state that guarantees equal rights to Israelis and Palestinians if Israel’s proposed sovereignty of the Jordan Valley and settlements in Judea and Samaria closes the door on a two-state solution, Jordanian Prime Minister Omar Razzaz said Tuesday. In the wake of Israel’s…

French Consul ‘too vague’ on issue of legitimizing Arab terrorism

By Donna Rachel Edmunds, JPost— Failure by the French Consul to condemn Palestinian calls for terrorists to be released from jail endangers Israeli lives by legitimizing terror as a weapon in the Israeli-Arab conflict, an NGO told The Jerusalem Post. French Consul-General, René Troccaz, recently met with PLO Executive Committee Secretary and Chief Negotiator Saeb…