Palestinians part of intl. system despite rejecting every peace plan

By Jonathan Schachter and Jonathan Schanzer, Jerusalem Post— Last week’s announcement about the normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE appears to have put annexation plans on ice. But the debate was revealing. The hand-wringing in America about annexation struck a stark contrast to Israelis and Palestinians, who have been more concerned about the…

Israel Calls on UN Security Council to Enforce Resolution 1701 and Disarm Hezbollah

By Algemeiner— Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi urged the UN Security Council on Tuesday to enforce Resolution 1701 — the measure that ended the Second Lebanon War exactly 14 years ago and mandated the disarmament of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. Ashkenazi addressed ambassadors from the US, France, Britain, Russia, China, Germany, Ireland, Kenya, South Africa,…