The Return: A Prayer Rally in Washington D.C. on September 26th

On Saturday, September 26th we will gather in Washington, D.C. to worship and pray for our nation. Please join us!  Check out the website below.  THE RETURN Also, we are inviting 120,000 believers around the globe to be part of a time of seeking God from September 19-28 by doing four (4) things: 10 DAYS CONSECRATION CHALLENGE September 19-28 2020 1 – 10…

New RJC digital ad features Jewish Democrats supporting Trump

By Jacob Kornbluh, Jewish Insider— The Republican Jewish Coalition is launching a new digital ad targeting Jewish voters in key swing states ahead of President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night. The ad, titled “Wake Up Call,” features four lifelong Jewish Democrats who are supporting Trump’s reelection, according to…

Lebanon Must End its Poisonous Political Relationship with Hezbollah

By Con Coughlin, Gatestone Institute— The conviction of a senior Hezbollah terrorist for assassinating Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has provided the hard-pressed Lebanese people with incontrovertible proof of the malign influence Iran exerts over their political system. Following an investigation that has lasted for more than a decade and cost a staggering $1 billion,…

Red Alert: BDSers Beware! What the UAE-Israeli Peace Deal Reveals.

By Amy Zewe— The recent, historic, and largely overlooked news story of Aug 2020 is the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Of course, when the announcement came out, Jews, Zionists, Christians, and many others including many Arabs, blew up social media with positive reaction—mostly because mainstream American news organizations did not…

Elections avoided day before deadline, Netanyahu accepts compromises

By Gill Hoffman, Jpost– Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday announced he will not seek a November election that would have been initiated automatically on Monday night if the budget deadline extension bill had not passed in the Knesset Finance Committee. The budget deadline extension bill passed its final readings in the Knesset Finance Committee…

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Push for Deepening Ties Between Israel and Sudan During Mideast Trip

By Algemeiner Staff— The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, is traveling to the Middle East and Africa starting Sunday, and will meet with Sudanese leaders in order to push for closer relations between Sudan and Israel. The State Department issued a statement saying that Pompeo will travel to Israel, Sudan, Bahrain,…

‘This is the time for unity – not new elections’

By David Rosenberg, Arutz 7— Israel is pursuing peace deals with additional Arab states, following the agreement with the United Arab Emirates earlier this month, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday. In a press conference Sunday evening, Netanyahu said Israel is working to reach deals normalizing the country’s relationship with additional Arab states, and predicted…