The story behind the marble Moses in Netanyahu’s speech

By ANAV SILVERMAN, YNET— While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referenced several cultural, political, and historical figures throughout his highly-anticipated speech to Congress on Tuesday March 3 – including Harry S. Truman, Queen Esther, Robert Frost, and Elie Wiesel – he concluded his historical address with the biblical figure of the prophet Moses. The Israeli…

Listening to Netanyahu

By THE BOSTON HERALD-— The Obama administration should just shut up about
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled Tuesday speech to Congress. Israel’s very existence, not America’s, would be threatened by an Iranian nuclear bomb — and isn’t it high time he made that case directly to Congress. Netanyahu accepted an invitation to appear from House…

The squabble over Bibi’s speech

By JEFF JACOBY, BOSTON GLOBE— CHARLIE ROSE wasn’t sure he’d heard right. National Security Advisor Susan Rice, his guest on PBS, was lamenting that the controversy over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s forthcoming speech to Congress had “injected a degree of partisanship” into the traditionally bipartisan US-Israel relationship. That’s not only “unfortunate,” said Rice. “It’s…