Anti-Zionism is the real apartheid

By MICHAEL FREUND— Although barely a week has passed since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection, Israel’s enemies are already gearing up to besmirch the Jewish state. A new governing coalition hasn’t been formed yet, but that hasn’t stopped the critics from invoking the “A” word – apartheid – to demonize the country’s democratically-elected administration even…

Is the US embracing Iran at Israel’s expense?

By SHLOMO CESANA, ISRAEL HAYOM— Israel is “very concerned” about the American government’s eagerness to reach a nuclear agreement with Iran, Israeli officials said on Saturday night. According to the officials, Israel’s assessment is that U.S. President Barack Obama is “rushing to an agreement” with Iran. Israeli officials also believe that elements within the international…

Netanyahu’s win

By ILAN BERMAN, WORLD AFFAIRS JOURNAL— The Israeli electorate has spoken. After a bitterly acrimonious political campaign, and an election on March 17th that saw the highest voter turnout (72.3 percent) in recent memory, Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu has received a reinvigorated mandate to govern. That outcome was almost completely unexpected. On the morning…