In just three days!

Never underestimate what YHVH can accomplish! Look what He did in a single 3-day period of time! **Despair changed into hope **Bondage turned into freedom **Darkness turned into glorious light **Sadness tuned into elation **Brokenness turned into wholeness **Rejection turned into intimate embrace **Confusion turned into revelation understanding **Doubt turned into faith **Disappointment turned into…

Anti-Semitism on US college campuses, educating pro-Israel Americans and marking the Shoah

By ERIC MANDEL, JPOST— Last week I was privileged to speak to two very different audiences about the Middle East and Israel. Though the talks had the same title, “Understanding the Middle East: Iran, the Sunni-Shi’ite War, the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict, Anti-Semitism and the Delegitimization of Israel,” the reasons I was invited, and the questions…

Netanyahu voices outrage that nuclear talks go on while Iran vows to destroy Israel

By TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday excoriated world powers over their dogged pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran, pointing to recent statements by officials in Tehran — notably their calls to eliminate Israel — as evidence of the Islamic Republic’s unwillingness to compromise on its nuclear ambitions and campaign…