New Birthright-Inspired Program Set to Bring Young Christians to Israel

By: JNS, Breaking Israel News— The Covenant Journey, a new initiative inspired by the popular Taglit-Birthright Israel program, is set to bring young Christians to Israel this summer in order to strengthen their faith and encourage them to become goodwill ambassadors for Israel. “There’s one thing better than standing with Israel, and that’s standing in…

Anti-Semitism Goes to School Anti-Semitism on American college campuses is rising—and worsening. Where does it come from, and can it be stopped?

By: RUTH WISSE, Mosaic Magazine— “I never dreamed that it could come to this!” In February, a Jewish college student was hospitalized after being punched in the face at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on a campus in upstate New York. His family has insisted on maintaining the boy’s privacy, but other such incidents, some caught on…