Survey Shows Quarter of US Jews Leaving Their Faith

By: ARI SOFFER, Israel National News— A new survey released Tuesday reveals some interesting data about American Jews. The Pew Research Religious Landscape Survey revealed both positive and negative findings concerning the future of United States Jewry, including the fact that – in spite of relatively low birthrates and growing intermarriage – the community’s relative…

Burn Baby Burn

By: RON JAGER— Never in human history has there been a similar act of benevolence by a developed nation. Since the 1980s, despite the immense dangers, the religious obstacles, and the logistical complexities, Israel has brought tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews from one of the most underdeveloped countries on the globe to the shores…

Top Khamenei Advisor: We Have Divine Permission to Destroy Israel

By: DAVID DAOUD, The Algemeiner— An official close to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that his government has a godly ordained right to annihilate Israel, Al Arabiya reported on Tuesday. The “government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has divine permission to destroy Israel,” said Mojtaba Zolnour, a Khamenei representative in the elite Revolutionary…