New Birthright-Inspired Program Set to Bring Young Christians to Israel

By: JNS, Breaking Israel News— The Covenant Journey, a new initiative inspired by the popular Taglit-Birthright Israel program, is set to bring young Christians to Israel this summer in order to strengthen their faith and encourage them to become goodwill ambassadors for Israel. “There’s one thing better than standing with Israel, and that’s standing in…

Obama Desecrates Memorial Day And Agrees To Commit U.S. Military To Serve Under Turkey’s Conquest Of Syria (The U.S. Is Now Officially Advancing A Grand Caliphate)

By: WALID SHOEBAT, Shoebat— Yesterday, on Memorial Day we open the papers to read the headlines Turkey and US ‘agree in principle’ to provide air support for Syrian rebels. And it wasn’t the president of the United States or a spokesperson from the White house that broke the news, but through the mouth of the…