PA President Abbas urges Canada to help ‘stop Israeli aggression’

By Khaled Abu Toameh, JPost— Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday called on Canada and the international community to “stop Israeli aggressions that violate international law.” He made the appeal during a meeting in Ramallah with Canadian Foreign Minister Marc Garneau. Garneau’s visit to Ramallah came as Abbas continues to face widespread criticism over…

Israel’s Search and Rescue Unit in Florida on Another Heroic Mission of Mercy

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, CBN Israel-— Even before the expert Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Search and Rescue Brigade arrived in Florida, they had already mapped via satellite the collapsed Champlain Towers South. Carrying with them the hope that their survey would add to the lifesaving efforts of all rescuers on the site, Israel’s “Helping Hand”…

‘Hostility from All Directions’: National Report Confirms Rise in German Antisemitism Fueled by Pandemic

By Sharon Wrobel, Algemeiner— According to a comprehensive annual report released on Monday, Germany saw a rise in antisemitic acts in 2020 driven by incidents related to the coronavirus and cases of abusive behavior at rallies against measures to control the pandemic. Antisemitic incidents documented by the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information…