Kerry’s dangerous fantasy

By Yoram Ettinger– Irrespective of Western attempts to portray Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Jordan and Egypt as supporters of the Iran nuclear deal, leaders of these countries, and especially the House of Saud, consider the accord a colossal, lethal threat. They see it as a reckless, short-sighted and self-destructive policy, which will initially plague…

Christians Joining Israel Defense Forces At Record Rates; Military Training Includes Visits To Jerusalem

By Sarah Berger, International Business Times— The number of young Israeli Christians enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces is expected to set a new record next year,, a nonprofit wire service that covers Jewish and Israel news, reported Thursday. Last year, Christian enlistment in the Israel Defense Forces rose to more than 100 soldiers due…

Chuck Schumer Opposes Iran Nuclear Deal, Shaking Democratic Firewall

By Jennifer Steinhauer and Jonathan Weisman, NYTimes— Senator Chuck Schumer, the most influential Jewish voice in Congress, said Thursday night that he would oppose President Obama’s deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. “Advocates on both sides have strong cases for their point of view that cannot simply be dismissed,” Mr. Schumer, Democrat of New York,…

Why Is the World Turning a Blind Eye to the ‘Eradication’ of Christians in the Middle East?

By Samuel Smith, Christian Post— Christianity is being “wiped out” of its region of birth, said Cato Institute foreign policy expert Doug Bandow Tuesday during a Family Research Council discussion on the increase in Christian persecution in the Middle East and Africa, and he offered reasons why the international community has done little to save those…

Despite Obama’s efforts, Jewish group rejects Iran deal

By Elad Benari, Israel National News— Despite President Barack Obama’s efforts to assure American Jews about the Iran deal, one of the largest and most influential Jewish organizations in the United States announced Wednesday that it opposes the agreement. American Jewish Committee (AJC) Executive Director David Harris said in a statement that his organization had…