The four rockets fired on Galilee came from the new Iranian terror front on the Golan

By Debka— Israel’s top government and military went on a high level of preparedness Tuesday, Aug. 18 in expectation of the first terrorist attack to be orchestrated by Iran from Syrian or Lebanese borders. That is what brought Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkott on…

Could Parchin leak sway undecideds on Iran deal?

By Rebecca Shimoni Stoil, Times of Israel— Opponents of the nuclear deal with Iran suggested Wednesday evening that revelations that Tehran would “self-inspect” a suspected nuclear-related site could sway undecided members of Congress away from supporting the agreement at next month’s vote. Hours after the Associated Press exposed a leaked document that seems to allow…

Obama’s An Anti-Semite, Charges US Presidential Candidate

By Israel Today— As was to be expected, the fate and future of tiny Israel has become a central issue in the upcoming presidential election in the world’s leading superpower, America. Two front-running Republican candidates at the weekend lambasted President Barack Obama over his mistreatment of Israel, calling the current administration’s policies anti-Semitic and an…