Born-Again Christian Congressman Reaffirms Support of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

By JNI Media, Israel National News— “I am a born-again Christian,” Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) said on the “Yishai Fleisher Show,” and as such, “every time I come to Israel … it is always an eye-opening and heartwarming experience to see the interrelationship between our two shared faiths.” Garrett, who visited Israel with a bipartisan…

House passes unanimous resolution against Palestinian incitement

By Arutz Sheva Staff, Israel National News— The US House of Representatives unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution condemning anti-Israel incitement in the Palestinian Authority (PA) Tuesday, JTA reports. The resolution, entitled House Resolution 293, notes the rampant incitement against Jews and Israelis from PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who, “in spite of the Oslo II agreement…

Does Iran’s anti-Semitism run too deep for deterrence?

By George Will, Washington Post— Yale University historian Timothy Snyder is indebted to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently made Snyder’s new book even more newsworthy than his extraordinary scholarship deserves to be. And Netanyahu is indebted to Snyder, whose theory of Hitler’s anti-Semitism is germane to two questions: Is the Iranian regime’s anti-Semitism…