Khamenei: ISIS ‘vile’ but Palestinians face worse terrorism from Israel

By JTA, JPOST— Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called the recent coordinated Paris attacks that left at least 130 people dead “blind terrorism.” Khamenei’s comments, released in a statement to “the youth in the Western countries,” were published Sunday by the Iranian IRNA news agency, the government’s official news agency. It is reportedly Khamenei’s…

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Fighter Jet: Is this the Spark that Ignites a Messianic War?

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— Turkish military sources told the media that after issuing 10 warnings in five minutes, Turkish F-16’s opened fire, downing the Russian fighter jet. Photos of the incident clearly show two parachutes, indicating that the two pilots successfully ejected from the downed plane. One pilot is believed to have…