Jews Don’t Need to Convert to Jesus…The Pope Knows Best!

By Oliver Melnick,— When it comes to Judeo/Christian relations, the Catholic Church carries centuries of baggage from anti-Judaism to anti-Semitism to anti-Zionism. At the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the Catholic Church was officially propelled onto the world scene and continued to widen a theological gap between Christians and Jews. A gap that…

70% of Muslims Support Democrat Party, Pew Reports as Trump Calls for Ban on Entrance to US

By Christian Post— As GOP frontrunner Donald Trump stirred controversy this week by saying he would bar Muslims from entering the U.S., the Pew Research Center noted that a majority of American Muslims prefer the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. A growing percentage of American immigrants are Muslim — with their percentage doubling from…

Netanyahu most popular world leader among evangelical Christians in the US

By Ahuva Balofsky, Breaking Israel News— A new Brookings Institution survey, conducted last month, shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is overall the third-most admired world leader among Americans. The survey, the results of which were released Friday, examined the attitude of Americans regarding Israel and the Middle East. Opinions varied significantly among different groups,…

Vatican calls on Catholics to stop trying to convert Jews

By Times of Israel— Jews can secure eternal salvation without converting to Christianity, senior Catholic theologians said in a report published Thursday, in the latest refinement of their stance on a vexed theological issue. Addressing a question that has long blighted relations between the two faiths, the report also unequivocally stated that the Catholic Church…