An Old-New Solution for an Old-New Problem

By Nathan Moskowitz, Breaking Israel News— The BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) movement which masquerades as a humanitarian bulwark against the evils of “occupation” is ostensibly nothing more than the most recent incarnation of old-fashioned, hard-core, pernicious anti-Semitism. BDS has created a toxic environment for Jewish students on many campuses. Students, who show pride in their…

Evangelical Beliefs on Israel Match Prophetic Doomsday Scenarios

By Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— A recent survey of Christian Evangelicals has them echoing Jewish prophecies, associating trouble in Israel and the rest of the Middle East with End Times. Brookings Institute, a Washington DC-based think tank, recently released the results of their survey entitled American Attitudes Toward the Middle East and Israel.…

Father Gabriel Naddaf Denounces Palestinian Claims that Jesus Was a Palestinian

By Ahuva Balofsky, Breaking Israel News— In response to repeated statements by Palestinian Authority (PA) officials that Jesus was a Palestinian, Israeli Christian leader Father Gabriel Naddaf denounced the claims on Facebook earlier this month. “On what authority does President Abbas claim that Jesus was a Palestinian?” Naddaf wrote. “The Bible says that He was…