False Moral Equivalence as a Tool to Demonize Israel

By Manfred Gerstenfeld and Jamie Berk, Gate Stone Institute— False moral equivalence is one of a series of major fallacies. False moral equivalence comparing Israel’s actions to those of the Nazis was used by several prominent social-democratic politicians, including French President François Mitterrand, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. Another…

If American Jews and Israel Are Drifting Apart, What’s the Reason?

By Elliott Abrams, Mosaic Mag— Everyone knows that American Jews and Israel are drifting apart—and everyone is confident of the reasons why. Israel, it is said, has become increasingly nationalistic and right-wing; “the occupation” violates liberal values; and the American Jewish “establishment,” with its old familiar defense organizations and their old familiar apologetics, has lost…