Cardinal Robert Sarah: United States Faces ‘Insidious War’ Against Christians

By Thomas D. Williams. BREITBART— In a scathing address at a prayer breakfast in Washington D.C. this week, a high-ranking Vatican cardinal has denounced an “insidious war” against Christians taking place in the United States under the guise of tolerance. While other countries face “merciless beheadings,” “bombings of churches” and “torching of orphanages,” in the…

Israel set to form ‘most right-wing government in history’

By AFP, BREITBART— Jerusalem (AFP) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looked set to form the “most right-wing” government in Israeli history on Thursday, with Avigdor Lieberman, a hardliner loathed by Palestinians, expected to join as defence minister. Netanyahu’s allies were set for fresh negotiations with representatives of Lieberman’s far-right Yisrael Beitenu party to try to…