Israel to EU: Voting to recognize Temple Mount as solely Muslim site akin to ignoring Jesus

By TOVAH LAZAROFF, JPOST— Israel warned the European Union on Thursday night that supporting a UNESCO resolution which views the Temple Mount as a solely Muslim site is akin to ignoring Europe’s Christian roots. “If the Europeans have a hand in a UNESCO decision that rejects or does not deal with the Jewish people’s relationship…

Messianic Organization Awarded in Israeli Knesset

By David Lazarus, Israel Today— Be’ad Chaim, a Messianic pro-life and women’s health organization has received an award from the Israeli government for their “significant contribution to the protection of mothers and children.” What began as a small Messianic prayer group, has blossomed into a nationally recognized women’s health organization. It began back in the 1980’s,…

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times— The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday. Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to…