Salon: GOP must dump Jesus or risk irrelevance in post-Christian America

By Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart— Salon Magazine has accused the Republican Party of being out of touch with “post-Christian America,” warning the GOP that if it doesn’t renege on its alliance with Christianity, it will soon become irrelevant. Ted Cruz’s failure to get the GOP nomination, Matthew Sheffield proclaims in Salon, “is a perfect window…

Jewish settlements are legal

By Yoram Ettinger, Israel Hayom— The misperceptions, misrepresentations and ignorance over the legal status of Jewish settlements in the disputed ‎area of Judea and Samaria reflect the general attitude ‎toward the unique phenomenon of the reconstruction of the Jewish national ‎home in Israel.‎ ‎”Fidelity to law is the essence of peace,” opined Professor Eugene Rostow,…

Black Lives Matter group declares hostile anti-Israel platform

By Bob Eschliman, CharismaNews— The Black Lives Movement shocked their allies in the liberal-secular Jewish community with its recent Invest-Divest policy paper. The document is a wide-ranging rant against the United States in general. But in particular, this section of the document related to military spending was perhaps an eye-opener for the liberal Jews who…

How Mike Pence, Trump’s VP pick, supports traditional Jewish values

By Elliot Bartky and Allon Friedman, JTA— With the presidential race heating up, a number of progressive Jewish commentators have portrayed the Republicans’ vice presidential candidate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, as a conservative extremist opposed to Jewish beliefs and values. As officers of the only statewide, grassroots Jewish and Israel advocacy organization in Indiana —…

Hamas dominates World Vision Christian charity, usurping cash, provisions, and permits

By The Jewish Press— On Wednesday, Christian Today reported that Mohammad El Halabi, an employee of World Vision (WV), the world’s largest evangelical Christian charity, had been detained on June 15 at the Erez crossing “on his way home from routine meetings” and was being held “without access to legal counsel or family visits,” which…