White House: Obama will discuss ‘settlements’ with Netanyahu

By Ben Ariel, Israel National News— U.S. President Barack Obama will raise concerns about “Israeli settlements” during his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in New York on Wednesday, White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said on Tuesday night, according to Reuters. Rhodes was quoted as having told reporters that the United States…

Lebanon’s Hatred of Israel: A Symptom of Dysfunction

By Fred Maroun, Gatestone— Lebanon has many problems, including sectarian divisions, Iranian influence, spillover from the Syrian civil war, the weakness of its army, the ineffectiveness of its politicians, and the very existence of Hizballah, but Israel’s existence next door is not one of them. The animosity of Lebanon towards Israel continues today only because…

Ethnic cleansing–Why Bibi was quite right and dangerously wrong

By Martin Sherman, Late last Friday, the Prime Minister’s office—for no immediately obvious reason—released a video, in which Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the frequently raised demand by the Palestinians, that any future state of theirs must be devoid of Jews, as “Ethnic Cleansing”. The video produced an incandescent response from the Obama administration. Thus, U.S. State…