The Clinton Record

By John Perazzo, Frontpagemag— Never in American history has anyone as unfit and undeserving as Hillary Clinton run for U.S. President. While she stands on the threshold of being elected to the White House, she quite literally belongs in a prison cell. This article lays out the case against her, chapter and verse. Clinton’s Private…

Israel asks Pope to intervene regarding Temple Mount and UNESCO

By Itamar Eichner and Brian Schrauger, Jerusalem Journal— The United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) passed a draft resolution on Thursday that failed to acknowledge the Jewish people’s ties to the Temple Mount. Across the political spectrum, the resolution has raised hackles in Israel. The proposal “strongly condemns the Israeli escalating aggressions and…

UNESCO’s historical revisionism

By UNWATCH— UN Watch condemned UNESCO’s “historical revisionism” after the agency’s 58-member Executive Board adopted an inflammatory and one-sided Palestinian-drafted resolution, submitted by the Islamic states, which erases Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem and casts doubt on the connection between Judaism and the ancient city’s Temple Mount and Western Wall. The vote was 24…

Hispanic evangelicals emerging as new powerhouse of support

By Rafael Medoff,— When Hispanic-American pastors from around the country met in the nation’s capital last week, the main issue on their agenda was not immigration or health care – it was Israel. The pastors represented evangelical congregations from Connecticut to Oklahoma. This rapidly-growing portion of the U.S. Latino electorate could have a significant…

Congress Blasts Obama for Preparing Anti-Israel Offensive

By Jenna Lifhits, Weekly Standard— The Obama administration is manufacturing a crisis with Israel in anticipation of a post-election diplomatic push targeting the Jewish state, and this past week launched a series of broadsides criticizing the Israelis through the media and in press briefings, according to congressional sources and Jewish-American officials who spoke to THE…

UNESCO votes: No connection between Temple Mount and Judaism

By TOVAH LAZAROFF, HERB KEINON, MICHAEL WILNER, ADAM RASGON, JPOST— In a 24-6 vote the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on Thursday gave preliminary approval to a resolution that denies Jewish ties to its most holy religious sites: the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the vote stating:…