UN General Assembly supports resolution ignoring Jewish ties to Temple Mount

By Danielle Ziri and Tovah Lazaraoff, JPost— The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to support a resolution that used solely Muslim language to describe the Temple Mount. Out of the United Nation’s 193 member states, 147 voted in favor, seven voted against and eight abstained. The Jerusalem resolution was one of six resolutions condemning Israel…

Israel’s fires spark Christian Zionist desire to aid the holy land

By Tsivya Fox, Breaking Israel News— Following this past week’s wildfire devastation throughout Israel, some of which were set by terror arsonists, many Jewish organizations are reporting record donations to help rebuild the Holy Land. Perhaps lesser known but equally impressive is the immediate outpouring of love and generosity from Christian Zionists around the world.…

CAMERA Exposes Well-Orchestrated Assault on Evangelical Support for Israel

By Breaking Israel News— The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) has released a monograph exposing the roots and effects of a well-orchestrated attack on Evangelical support for Israel. “Recent trends in the Evangelical world reveal a shifting away from its historic support for Israel under the influence of a politically…

Nationwide fires under control, firefighters say

By Daniel Eisenbud, JPost— Hundreds of local emergency personnel, aided by an international fleet of firefighting planes, worked throughout the weekend to contain fires that continued to spread in the country’s Center and North, displacing thousands and destroying hundreds of homes, businesses and public areas. According to officials, the fires were under control Saturday night,…