‘We don’t need this America,’ deputy minister says after UN vote, Kerry speech

By RAPHAEL AHREN, Times of Israel— Deputy Minister Michael Oren on Thursday slammed US Secretary of State John Kerry’s address on the peace process as historically inaccurate, offensive and dangerous, and called for a total reset of US-Israel ties. Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to Washington, also said that the outgoing administration’s critical view of the…

Secretary Kerry’s suspension of disbelief

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger The term “suspension of disbelief” refers to well-intentioned subordination of documented-facts and common sense to one’s zeal and wishful-thinking: sacrificing long-term realism on the altar of oversimplification and short-term gratification and convenience. Secretary Kerry’s December 28, 2016 speech was replete with suspension of disbelief, totally inconsistent with Middle East reality,…

Trump Tightens Jewish Relations Ahead of January Inauguration

By Elizabeth Kratz/JNS.org President-elect Donald Trump, who frequently takes pride in his track record as a negotiator, this week named one of his campaign advisers on issues related to Israel as the incoming administration’s special representative for international negotiations. Real estate transactions lawyer Jason Dov Greenblatt, who alongside U.S. ambassador to Israel appointee David Friedman…