In Congress, a new battle emerges: 2 states or not 2 states

BY RON KAMPEAS, Times of Israel— There’s a striking difference between competing bids in Congress addressing last month’s UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. It’s not that they differ on the United Nations – the two nonbinding congressional resolutions under consideration condemn the Security Council, as well as the outgoing Obama administration for abstaining…

Congress to Freeze State Department Funds Until U.S. Embassy Moves to Jerusalem

By Adam Kredo, Free Beacon— A delegation of Republican senators is moving forward with an effort to freeze some funding to the State Department until the U.S. embassy in Israel is formally moved to Jerusalem, according to new legislation. The legislation comes as the Obama administration continues to face criticism over its behind-the-scenes effort to…

Palestinians Thank UN for Giving Them Permission to Murder Jews

By Ryan Jones, Israel Today— UN Security Council Resolution 2334 was more than just a carefully-orchestrated slap in Israel’s face by outgoing-US President Barack Obama. It was a trigger, intentional or not, for renewed bloodshed. The resolution essentially supports the Palestinian interpretation of Security Council Resolution 242, namely, that Jews have no right to live…

New Christian Zionism Book Makes Case for Israel

By Brandon Showwalter, Christian Post— A new book by Christian scholars makes a theological case for Christians to support Israel while distancing itself from the “crazy” pop-apocalyptic end-time scenarios that sometimes animate such support in contemporary politics. Born out of a 2015 conference in Washington D.C. sponsored by the Institute on Religion and Democracy, The…

Robert Jeffress Says Israel Has Biblical Land Claim; John Kerry, Barack Obama ‘on the Wrong Side of God’

BY SAMUEL SMITH , CP REPORTER— Outspoken Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress has accused President Barack Obama and Sec. of State John Kerry of putting America on the “wrong side of God” after the United States failed to veto a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory East of Jerusalem. While speaking on…