Evangelical Pastors’ Israel Trip Highlights ‘Miracle of Christian-Jewish Brotherhood’

By JNS— A delegation of 30 young evangelical pastors traveled to Israel earlier this month on their first visit to the Jewish state. Rabbi Pini Dunner, senior rabbi at California’s Young Israel of North Beverly Hills, accompanied the group in an expression of Jewish solidarity with evangelical Christians. “The overwhelming miracle of Christian-Jewish brotherhood in…

Never before seen document penned by Nazi leader Himmler uncovered in Israel

By Joy Bernard, JPost— Germany will stand firmly by the Palestinian people in their fight against the “criminal” Balfour Declaration, was the main message conveyed in the telegram that was recently uncovered in the archives of Israel’s National Library. The rare document, which the library assesses dates back to 1943, was written by infamous SS…

“Trump Can Go Down in History as First President to Recognize Jerusalem as Capital”

By JNI— Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) Chairman Naftali Bennett called on President Trump to right a “historic wrong” and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “Almost 70 years ago, President Truman made history by being the first president to recognize the State of Israel,” Bennett said, , adding, “Now, President Trump can…

Palestinians and the Balfour Declaration at 100: Resisting the Past

By Dr. Alex Joffe, Besa Center— On the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the Palestinians have launched a campaign calling for an official British apology and compensation. This effort illustrates the ways in which honor, internationalization, symbolism, and playing on Western guilt shape the Palestinian culture of denial, which impedes progress towards either a…

Israeli Minister: The Bible — Not Google — Gives Israel moral right to the land

By Tovah Lazaroff, JPost— Israel’s moral claim to land comes from the Bible, not Google, Communications Minister Tzachi Hanegbi said in Washington on Tuesday at an event held in support of placing West Bank settlements within final borders of the Jewish state. “Defense is important and security is important, but the most important thing is…