Russian envoy, Foreign Ministry to discuss recognition of J’lem as capital

By Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post— Russia’s Ambassador to Israel Alexander Shein is expected to meet in the coming days with senior Foreign Ministry officials to discuss the significance of its surprise announcement earlier this month to recognize west Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state. Shein is expected to tell his interlocutors that Moscow…

Magog, Meshach, Tubal, Persia and Today

By Bill Wilson, Daily Jot— A possibly significant prophetic event occurred over the weekend when voters in Turkey passed a referendum to afford the country’s president near dictatorial powers by replacing the nation’s parliamentary system with a presidential government. Associated Press reports that some 18 changes will “allow the president to appoint ministers, senior government…

The perplexing Middle East labyrinth vs. Western policy

By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel initiative”   1. In the pursuit of peace, alliances and interests, western policy-makers tend to sacrifice perplexing Middle East reality on the altar of oversimplification and wishful-thinking, which has fueled regional fires. 2. According to the Lebanese-born Prof. Fouad Ajami, former Director of Middle East Studies…