Jerusalem is holy to Jews, not Muslims

By Morton A. Klein, Arutz 7— Last Tuesday, coinciding with Israel’s 69th Independence Day, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) passed a resolution entitled ‘Occupied Palestine.’ The resolution denies Israel any sovereign claim to its own capital city, Jerusalem, and falsely describes Israel as the city’s “occupying power” and speaks of the…

A Tribute To Rabbi Benny Elon: Building Bridges With Christians for a Stronger Israel

By BIN— Former Israeli politician Rabbi Binyamin “Benny” Elon passed away last Friday, leaving behind a powerful legacy connecting Christians to Israel through faith-based diplomacy. A brilliant Torah scholar, Rabbi Elon advocated establishing Biblical borders in Israel. He was known for being an uncompromising leader of the right wing movement in Israel, but the same…

‘US must recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan’

By Gary Willig, Arutz 7— Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) called on President Donald Trump to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights at the annual Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in New York Sunday. “The developments in Syria, including the chemical attack, emphasize the threat posed by the Iranian axis in the region,”…