‘Devastating’ survey shows huge loss of Israel support among Jewish college students

BY AMANDA BORSCHEL-DAN, Times of Israel— More than a decade ago, a diverse focus group of Americans was asked to describe a typical Italian house. Words like “lush, food, cooking, maternal, welcoming” quickly rolled of the tongue. The same group was asked about an Israeli home and a very different vibe was described: “concrete, strict,…

Trump Envoy Greenblatt Meets With Netanyahu in Jerusalem, as US Seeks Renewal of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

By Algemeiner— Jason Greenblatt — US President Donald Trump’s international negotiations representative — met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Tuesday, but remained tight-lipped as to the substance of their discussions. Greenblatt said on Twitter that he “appreciated” the sit-down with Netanyahu and his staff in advance of further talks when Jared…

‘Love of Christians’ touted as strategic asset for Israel at major policy conference

By Adam Abrams/JNS.org The strategic importance of Christian Zionism was featured this week at the 2017 Herzliya Conference, one of Israel’s most prominent annual policy summits. Organizers describe the conference, which is hosted by the Institute for Policy and Strategy at the IDC Herzliya research college, as a platform that “facilitates and encourages an informed…

Bennett submits bill to make it ‘impossible’ to divide Jerusalem

BY RAOUL WOOTLIFF, Times of Israel— Education Minister Naftali Bennett formally proposed legislation Sunday that would require a special two-thirds Knesset majority on any decision to divide Jerusalem under a future peace deal with the Palestinians, saying that the bill would effectively make such a move “impossible.” Bennett, who leads the pro-settlement Jewish Home party,…