‘Iran is unquestionably the greatest threat to Israel’

By Yoni Kempinski, Arutz 7— Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) on Monday participated in International Institute for Counter-Terrorism’s (ICT) 17th annual international conference in Herzliya. “All Islamic terror is supported by Tehran,” Liberman said. “This includes Sunni terror, the groups in Yemen, and even Al-Qaeda. And we are all aware of the cooperation between…

Sport Report: “How to deal with hurricanes”

Think on this: “Yahweh bless you and keep you.                         Yahweh make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you.                         Yahweh turn his face toward you and give you peace ” (Numbers 6:22-27)                         In Jesus name! AMEN! Pray like this: Father, as you have commanded, we have placed your name on…

Trump Admin Considering Demanding Israel Give Back Key U.S. Military Aid

By Adam Kredo, Free Beacon— The Trump administration is considering forcing Israel to hand back some $75 million in U.S. aid dollars that were awarded by Congress following a hotly contested effort by the Obama administration to financially limit the U.S.-Israel military alliance, according to senior Congressional sources and others familiar with the situation. Congress…

Left-Wing Jews Protesting Christian Support for Israel Could Be Indirect Key to Redemption

By Eliana Rudee, BIN— The growing phenomenon of fringe anti-Zionist Jewish groups, evidenced by organizations such as IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace which protest Christian support for Israel, is representative of the greatest challenge of the Jewish people in reaching geula (redemption) – the Jewish people themselves, say several prominent Jewish thinkers. According to Biblical…